Author: Cheryl J. Wolfgang Page 1 of 3

Things to Consider When Choosing a Lactation Consultant

Breastfeeding Success has many lactation experts, and we recognize that some people have negative opinions about them. We strive to support families and clear up some common misconceptions about lactation specialists! Some people share stories from friends or family about a very eager lactation expert or one who didn’t help them with a specific issue. Sometimes this can happen! We all make mistakes, and sometimes things don’t go as planned. However, the situation is often a bit different.

If you want to learn the basics of breastfeeding before your baby arrives or right after, most lactation consultants can help you with that knowledge and training. If you have begun breastfeeding and things are mostly going well but you have a few simple questions or need help with your position or your baby’s latch, you can ask any lactation consultant or counselor.

Read More: best lactation consultant lucknow

A Lactation Consultant is not the same as a nurse.

In many cases, nurses help with breastfeeding support instead of a certified lactation consultant (IBCLC). Nurses usually have some training in breastfeeding, but it isn’t always complete and doesn’t match the level of an IBCLC. IBCLCs are experts in breastfeeding. They must finish a lot of college-level health courses, complete specialized training in breastfeeding, gain over 300 hours of supervised practice, and pass a board test to become certified.

They are trained to support breastfeeding at all levels, from basic help to handling complex cases, like caring for newborn babies in the NICU. Your nurse can provide good help, but if you feel you’re not getting the care you need, check if you’ve seen a lactation expert. If not, find out if that support is offered in your area. Sometimes, lactation consultants meet with patients in the hospital, but a nurse may check in overnight and give different tips. If you’re hearing different information, it’s a good idea to listen to your IBCLC’s advice.

Traits or characteristics of people.

When picking a lactation expert, it’s helpful to choose someone whose personality fits well with yours! This is true for all our care providers, which can help you feel more comfortable and improve conversation between you. When you feel comfortable with the person helping you, you’re likely to relax, ask any questions you have, and accept their advice more confidently.

Sometimes you can’t choose what you want, so when that happens, keep these simple tips in mind. I like to remind myself that they probably want what’s best for me and my child. They want us to feel good and stay healthy!

If their attitude seems too excited or critical, remember that it could be true or it might not be. They likely have good goals! If you’re feeling uncertain, try these steps:

  • Keep an open mind. Everyone has bad days, and some people struggle to control their facial emotions and tone of voice. Believe that they always want what is best for you.
  • Don’t take it personally. If you think they don’t agree with what you’re saying, try to let it go. Imagine that it’s not true and see what occurs.
  • Take their advice and give it a try! You could try things you were unsure about and see positive effects.
  • Feel free to ask questions. If you’re not confident in the help you’re receiving or it’s confusing, don’t hesitate to ask for more details.
  • Be clear about what you want to do. If you want to only nurse, make sure to share that information right away.
  • If you do not plan to breastfeed entirely, please let us know. A lactation expert can help you with your goals for feeding your baby.

I hope everything goes well, and you get the support you need to achieve your eating goals. If things didn’t work out, it might simply mean that person wasn’t the right fit for you. It’s perfectly fine to look for someone else or let that person know they didn’t help you.

With my first baby, I had two very different situations with breastfeeding help. The first nurse was very pushy about nursing. She didn’t ask me before taking my breasts and waking my baby to feed. My baby was really sleepy and wasn’t very interested. The nurse encouraged me to keep trying and brought a pump when my daughter wouldn’t latch. I didn’t want to use it. I got angry and told her I didn’t want her help anymore.

I met with a lactation counselor that day and received the help I needed. She comforted me by saying that even though my baby had different eating needs, she would be okay and that I could handle it. She told me what to look out for, and that was enough to really lower my worry. I began to enjoy my baby and feel more relaxed. That turned out to be exactly what we needed to succeed. We successfully breastfed, and it finally became easy.

Having the right help can be the key to success or failure. It can also change the type of experience you have. When you get the right help, you should feel more relaxed and confident in your parenting, and that’s very important!


What are Nootropics? The Best Nootropics Guide

What are nootropics? Nootropics are a class of nutracueticals, natural compounds, and dietary supplements that provide users with benefits to cognitive function. While there is a wide range of nootropics on the market, most work by augmenting the way your brain processes biochemicals, stimulating the nervous system, or optimizing oxygen supply to the brain. The results can include serious boosts to short-term or working memory, focus, motivation, and mental clarity. Looking for a productive mental edge? There’s a nootropic for you.

Do Nootropics work?


Nootropics do work. But the truth is, not all of them are created equal. The Best Nootropics Guide was created to help you navigate the confusing world of dietary supplements that benefit the brain. Scientific evidence in human trials is a great indication of a nootropic’s efficacy, but because many of these compounds are so new (and therefore under-researched), the user experience is also an important factor. Some nootropics also have adverse side effects for some users that you should be aware of before you begin your smart drug regimen. This site provides information about nootropics that are proven to give you real, noticeable benefits to cognitive function. We also introduce nootropic stacks that take advantage of the synergistic relationship between effective neuro-enhancers for a potent, well-rounded edge.

The Best Nootropics Guide

Intelligence is infamously difficult to measure. For instance, an IQ test can give you a rough approximation, but it doesn’t take into account all kinds of factors, such as motivation, energy level, and short-term memory. Luckily, nootopics can help. The Best Nootropics Guide recommends looking for products and nootropic stacks that include some of the following:

Noopept: A derivative of the racetam family of smart drugs that kicked off the nootropics industry, noopept is an ultra-effective compound that delivers several boosts at once. With a proven impact on short-term memory and a noticeable effect on anxiety and clarity, this neuroprotective compound will increase your productivity, enhance the fluidity of your conversation, and sharpen your focus for hours.

Sulbutiamine: A derivative of the naturally occurring vitamin thiamine, sulbutiamine provides proven benefits to mental energy and working memory. It also helps to protect your brain by reducing oxygen and glucose deprivation, which can lead to cellular death. This effective supplement should be in everyone’s nootropic stack.

Acetyl-L-carnitine, or ALCAR: Your body produces energy through intercellular processes carried out by your mitochondria. ALCAR is already used in this process to generate both mental and physical energy. Supplementing with ALCAR has proven beneficial for energy levels and fatigue, improving overall cognitive ability. ALCAR will help you make the most of your day.

PRL 8-147: A fairly new compound, PRL 8-147 (and associated compounds like PRL-8-53) might be the most potent nootropic ever developed. Not only does it show significant (as high as 31%) improvement in memory in trials with mice, but human experiments demonstrate substantial improvement in word recollection tests relative to placebo. Want to remember names, facts, or even where you left your keys? The PRL class of compounds is for you.

The secret is out: Nootropics work. Now is the time to finally get that mental edge you’ve been looking for. Try one of the nootropic stacks below and find out how much you can get out of your day.

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Qualia Mind Best Nootropics

healthy brain

Most Beneficial Activities for Your Brain

Brain health is something we take for granted and rarely pay attention to. Our busy lifestyles often mean we suffer from stress, poor diet, lack of exercise and lack of sleep. While we may recognize this type of lifestyle is not good for us, we do not really consider that this has anything to do with our brains, yet the brain is the command center attempting to cope with what is happening in our bodies. Consequently the brain itself can come under pressure and it is not uncommon for quite young people to suffer stroke or have early onset Alzheimer’s disease.

Most Beneficial Activities for Your Brain

healthy brain

Fortunately, there is much we can do for optimum brain health which will result in not only less stress and pressures on the brain but an overall improvement with our whole body in balance and harmony with our brains.  Like all habits, once they are firmly established they become routine and part of your every day life style. So consider making some changes for the good of your brain health. It is never too late to start.

Exercise is one of the most beneficial activities for your brain. It stimulates blood flow and releases hormones that actually make learning capacity stronger and consolidate what you already know.  Walk, run, ride, swim or go to the gym. Any activity that makes you slightly breathless is the aim. Try half an hour a day, three days a week to start.

We all know that a diet overloaded with saturated fats can cause heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. These fats really are the enemy as they may cause decreased blood flow to the brain putting you at high risk of stroke.

Smoking is another enemy of brain health. The nicotine in cigarettes interferes with oxygen reaching the brain which may lead to memory loss. Smoking also doubles the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Try to organize your lifestyle so you are not burdened to the point you don’t know what day of the week it is. It can be very hard to juggle priorities and sometimes we don’t have the luxury of down time but do try not to end up over-stressed and exhausted because it will affect your decision –making capabilities and accidents are often caused by brain tiredness.  A good night’s sleep is nature’s cure and also replenishes tissues in the body and rests the brain.

Certain essential fats are important for brain health. Oily fish, including salmon and tuna are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help the brain. Good dietary advice is to eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day and good proteins. A diet designed for heart health for example a Mediterranean type diet is proven to be food for the brain too.   By following a healthy diet, you are likely to maintain a reasonable weight thus reducing the risk of dementia associated commonly with being overweight particularly in middle age.

In busy lifestyles it is hard to find down time where you can relax. Take half an hour each day where you can use some meditation or relaxation techniques.  If you make this a routine, you will soon be able to conjure up a feeling of deep relaxation.

Brain health is maintained and stimulated by learning new things and presenting it with mental challenges such as puzzles, crosswords or learning a new language. Sports and games that require some co-ordination such as dancing or badminton, even table tennis are great work outs for the brain and body.

Learn More: Hair Growth Disorder in Women

As you can see, making a few simple lifestyle changes can not only make you feel better but helps your brain health and a healthy brain means a healthy you.

Hair Growth Disorder in Women – Tips and Guide

Men grow terminal hair on some parts of the body, after puberty, but some women grow this type of hair on those parts of their bodies as well and this condition is known as Hirsutism. It can be triggered when some factors are present. These factors include hyperinsulinemia, hyperprolactinemia and some disorders related to ovary glands and the adrenal. Hirsutism can also be classified as one of the side effects of danazol, Norplant and some other drugs; the same applies for anabolic steroids.

Read Tressurge Hair Growth Serum Review here…

Hair Growth Disorder in Women


The common cause of Hirsutism is the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This syndrome affects six percent of women of reproductive age. This condition is best known as hyperandrogenism and chronic anovulation. A woman suffering from anovulation may also suffer from infertility. In many cases, but not all of them, increased androgen hormones and insulin resistance are associated with the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Some people think that hyperinsulinemia can cause an increase in androgen and probably ovarian production.

Hirsutism can also result from ovarian tumors that produce androgen. Women whose testosterone levels are two and a half times higher than normal, should visit a doctor to evaluate the possibility of a tumor. In most of the cases, tumors are not the cause of high testosterone levels; they could be product of simple ovarian hyperplasia. When dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels are two times higher than normal values, the possibility of adrenal tumor should be taken in consideration. In the same way, a prolatinoma becomes a possibility if you have high levels of prolactin.

Women with hirsutism may have symptoms that overlap those of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome—the condition in this is caused by congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Partial deficiency of 21-hydrxylase is commonly the enzyme defect. Although dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate may increase with 21-hydroxylase deficiency, 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone can be the most specific test for this condition.

Women going through menopause who are not in a therapy to replace hormones with estrogen may notice thinner hair growing in the armpit and the pubic area. This is because of decreasing dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels due to increased hirsutism which is caused by high estrogen and androgen levels. Women having this hair growth disorder should also consider evaluating the possibility of tumors related to increased androgen levels.

There is no definable cause of hirsutism in 5 to 15 percent of women. However, idiopathic hirstutism, which is also referred to as ‘unknown hirsutism’, must be diagnosed after going through laboratory and clinical evaluations to rule out the possibility of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and other known cases.

Qualia Mind Best Nootropics for Professionals

It didn’t take hours of long debates behind closed doors. All our research and testing pointed unanimously to the outright winner of the title ‘Best Nootropics for Professionals for Peak Brain Performance’: Qualia Mind from Neurohacker Collective!

If you truly need to break free from the choking confides of stress, brain fog and depleted energy levels, take the most obvious solution: Qualia Mind!

Multitasking in high stress working conditions rapidly deplete your energy levels and your general performance.

Qualia Mind Best Nootropics for Professionals

qualia mind

We view Qualia Mind to offer the best nootropics for professionals for peak brain performance. It offers a massive boost of crystal-clear brain energy, creativity and mental clarity. Expect to be surprised by the rush of smooth energy, supporting a new, unexpected drive and clarity throughout the day. You should also not experience any side effects, like jitteriness or a crash towards the end of the day.

By taking Qualia Mind, you can expect:

  • Effortless Focus
  • Mental Clarity
  • Lasting Energy
  • Amplified Willpower
  • Decreased Procrastination

Many users noted that they prefer to take 2 to 3 capsules daily instead of the recommended 7. The 154-capsule bottle will then last you more than 2 months!

NootropiCentral Rating:





100 Days Money Back Guarantee

“Qualia delivers the most comprehensive supplementation available in any nootropic stack I have seen. It is designed to deliver meaningful improvements to overall cognitive function.”

What to Expect

It’s straight forward … New heights in Brain Performance enhancement!

Qualia Mind will kick start the new you with a massive, yet calm and elegant, boost into new dimensions of crystal-clear brain energy, creativity and mental clarity. Expect to be surprised by the rush of smooth energy, supporting a new drive and clarity throughout the day. Forget about jittery side-effects, and there is no depletion or crash towards the end of the day.

Another benefit that we truly appreciate is the extended periods of clear-headed concentration that allows you to focus effortlessly on what matters most. Brain fog and distractions seem to simply disappear without leaving you feeling isolated or cut off from the world around you.

Who should use Qualia Mind?

We view Qualia Mind to be the Best Nootropics for Professionals for Peak Brain Performance available on the market!

It comes as no surprise that Qualia Mind gained global support from a wide range of medical and career professionals, fitness and well being experts, technology gurus, … and mums and dads. This is a truly universal nootropic stack for those who take their mental health and performance seriously.

Back in our office Qualia Mind is the day-to-day standard for Peak Brain Performance.

Formula for Qualia Mind

Qualia Mind incorporates 28 of the most potent bio-available ingredients in a systematically balanced formula to create a VERY powerful nootropic stack for optimal Mental Performance.

The formula is based on strong empirical research, strong quantified self-research data, and more than 40 years of research on nootropic stack formulation from around the globe.

How do I take Qualia Mind?

We need to say it again; the nootropic impact of Qualia Mind is Powerful! The daily serving is also a whopping 7 capsules! Many users, however, reported that their optimal daily dosage for mental performance is only 2 to 3 capsules.

Qualia Mind was also designed for regular use over extended periods of time, but on a cyclical basis. You should have at least 2 ‘off’ days in every 7-day period to maximize the cognitive support, whilst minimizing any form of desensitization.

Qualia Mind is positioned to provide the best nootropics for professionals for Peak Brain Performance. Every aspect reflects a premium, quality product, … including the price. If you’re serious about your brain health and performance, it’s going to cost you the equivalent of 2 lattes, every day of the month!

Supporting your premium purchase is a 100-day, no hassle money back guarantee. No need to return any unused product!

Buy Qualia Mind*

Trying to find the strongest Brain Performance nootropic that will suit you pocket? Click here for our review report.

6 Tips To Increase Your Testosterone

6 Tips To Increase Your Testosterone: Testosterone, Testosterone, Testosterone. Men are often told how important adequate testosterone is. Less sex drive? “Must be because you have a low level of testosterone.” An upcoming beer belly that doesn’t seem to work out against? “Must be because you have a low level of testosterone.” Difficulty remembering what you did yesterday? You guessed it… ‘You must have a testosterone deficiency‘. Although testosterone is of course not the cause of all medical problems, and is rarely the sole cause of these examples, among others, testosterone levels can be expressed in many different ways.

The production of the hormone testosterone decreases after the age of 25. As you approach 50, your muscle mass and strength will decrease, partly due to the decrease in your testosterone level. Your libido and the thickness of your belly are also determined by the level of your testosterone. Testosterone also affects your memory, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, you cannot stop aging, but as a man you do have an influence on your testosterone level. You can easily increase your testosterone with these six precepts.

6 tips to increase your testosterone

Tip 1 – Do it more often

Many studies have shown that having regular sex keeps the testicles active. And where is testosterone produced? Right, the testes. Men who are not or little sexually active have a lower testosterone level than men who have regular sex. “Use it or lose it” is not for nothing a common slogan among endocrinologists and urologists.

Tip 2 – Sleep well

The testosterone level is highest during sleep, around 5 a.m. Research shows that poor sleepers have lower testosterone levels. So get a good night’s sleep.

Tip 3 – Don’t eat too much licorice

The substance glycyrrhizine in licorice not only increases blood pressure, but also suppresses testosterone in men. This is shown by Swedish and Italian research. The effect is already measurable if you eat a few liquorice every day.

Tip 4 – Take it easy with alcohol

Testosterone is produced almost entirely in the Leading cells in the testicles. Alcohol disrupts the process in those cells. If you drink three or more glasses of alcohol a day, you significantly reduce your testosterone production.

Tip 5 – Eat broccoli and more broccoli

As always, good nutrition is an important condition for staying healthy. Some substances from food can be used extra well as a man, such as diindolymethane (DIM). This is a vegetable substance that indirectly leads to a higher testosterone activity. DIM is mainly found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Broccoli also keeps your prostate in good condition.

Read More: Testol 140 Review 

Tip 6 – Take vitamin B.

B vitamins have a positive effect on testosterone levels. A deficiency of these vitamins leads to increased estrogen levels (also called female hormones) and has a negative effect on testosterone levels and fertility. Vitamin B is found in meat, whole grains, potatoes, vegetables, eggs, poultry, fish and nuts.

Also Read: Natural Fat Burners With Other Health Benefits

Nutrisystem Meals | Get You Health

Nutrisystem Meals: The other day, I had someone ask me if you had to place a large or monthly order for Nutrisystem or if you could order the foods or meals individually and separately.  Basically, she asked: “what if I only want to sample a couple of the foods to see which ones I would like?  Do I have to buy a package or can I order the items separately?” You can do this.  You just have to know where to look and, in some cases, it will cost you a lot more money to do this.  I’ll explain more in the following article.

Can You Buy Nutrisystem Meals Separately?

Nutrisystem Foods

Ordering Nutrisystem Foods Individually (And Why It’s Much More Expensive): When you log onto the company’s website, you’ll see categories for the women’s and men’s programs.  Click which is applicable for you.  Once you do, you’ll then see several other options (basic, silver, vegetarian, diabetic, etc.)  Click on any one of these.  Once you have, if you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page (in the middle) you’ll see the a la carte option.  This is where you can get individual foods.

Read More: MyGreenDailyDotCom

However, if you look closely, you’ll see that you’re paying anywhere from $1.50 (snacks) to $6.75 (dinner) per item (this averages to be about $4.12.)  The dinner menus are the most expensive.  When you are on this diet, they want you to eat three meals, a snack, and a dessert each day.  This will be five of the diet foods per day.  So, if you were going to purchase five of these individual meals (again, figuring the average of $4.12), you’d be spending an average of $20 per day (which is much more than twice what you’d pay normally.)  If you were to purchase enough for the week, you’d be spending, on an average $140 per week.

Now, if you went with the basic package (which is where you get enough food to last you the whole month), you’d spend $299 (and that’s even before you take the coupons into account.)  And, if you went with the flex plan (where you take two days per week off), you’d be paying about $230. As you can see, this is a good deal cheaper.

Still, if you’re really just wanting to taste the foods and you don’t really care about the cost per meal, the option is there.  But, many people find that they get much more food on the flex plan for not much more money than placing an individual order.

Individual Food Choices For Nutrisystem: Pretty much all of the meals can be purchased individually. As an example, in the breakfast category, there are cereals, pancakes, scones, muffins, and bars which run anywhere from $2.00 – $2.95 a piece (the blueberry muffins are the most expensive.)

For lunch, there are soups, pastas, and potato dishes, etc. that run anywhere from $2.75 – $3.75. For dinner, the selection is more generous with ravioli, pizza, pepper steak, fajitas, macaroni and cheese, etc., but these items are more pricey at $4.75 – $6.00 each.

How much your total is will depend on which types of foods you sample and how many of them there are. Sometimes, going individual just doesn’t make sense for a larger order. As I said, if you see that you’re paying a lot for the individual items, take a look at how much more you’d get with the flex plan and see if that would make more sense for you. Or, see if any of the coupons (which often change monthly) for any of the packages would be even cheaper.

Check out for a list of all the Nutrisystem individual foods as well as the latest Nutrisystem coupon codes for the discounts discussed in this article. You can also read my free e-book “Getting The Most Out Of Nutrisystem” which includes recipes, the latest specials (up to two weeks free or over $100 off), information on all of the programs, tips, support, and motivation.

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