When an adult man drives a high-end sports car, his testosterone levels rise, the so-called “male sex hormone.” Beyond the repercussions that this can have in matters of neuromarketing , it is one more example of the capacity that our organism has to respond to our lifestyle.
As we turn years, levels of different hormones, including sex hormones, and in particular testosterone, are declining. Although it is known as “the male hormone”, all of us – men and women – have testosterone and in all of them this hormone has an important impact on health and quality of life.
Is it possible to raise testosterone?
We have three fundamental tools to raise testosterone naturally:
*the diet : choose appropriate foods and using certain nutritional supplements,
*the physical activity ,
*the lifestyle : managing stress and reducing the impact on our body of substances that act as endocrine disruptors.
Diet to Raise Testosterone
The association between eating certain foods and improving sex drive and desire is present in popular culture. Is it a myth or is there some reality? There are certain foods that have been shown to improve blood testosterone levels and, with it, libido and the quality of sexual intercourse.
If you want to help raise your blood testosterone levels, include the following foods that raise testosterone levels in your diet :
*Pomegranate : This fruit has been shown to raise testosterone levels by as much as 15 to 30%, in addition to improving mood, heart health and blood pressure.
*Oysters : a classic among aphrodisiacs for the ability to improve libido. This function is due to its high zinc content. If you don’t like oysters or can’t eat them, you can choose other foods rich in
*zinc : sardines, anchovies, wild salmon, meat (organic), milk (organic) and dairy products such as yogurt or kefir , and the seeds of pumpkin.
Foods rich in healthy fats , such as olive oil and
coconut oil: fat is the base ingredient with which our internal laboratory makes sex hormones, and in particular testosterone. Don’t miss fats in your diet!
*Foods rich in vitamin D , such as small and medium-sized blue fish (sardines, anchovies, mackerel), eggs (organic), butter (organic and grass-fed animals) and mushrooms that have been exposed to the sun: vitamin D is another of the fundamental components in the synthesis of testosterone.
*Vegetables from the cruciferous family , like the broccoli (or broccoli) and cauliflower : they are high in indole-3-carbinol enhances metabolism of sex hormones in the liver and thus the availability of free testosterone in the blood to carry out its various vital functions.
*Garlic : it does not affect testosterone synthesis but it does affect its functioning. The allicin content of garlic reduces the levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), and this allows a better functioning of the available testosterone.
Physical Activity To Raise Testosterone
Physical activity is another very useful tool to raise testosterone levels naturally. In particular , strength training has been shown to be the most efficient for achieving testosterone elevation and within them HIIT type training at short intervals and high intensity . Ideally, practice multi-joint exercises such as the squat, deadlift, stride, leg press, pull, pull, etc. in which large muscle groups are involved.
Weight Management To Raise Testosterone
The link between diet and physical activity is weight control. Excess weight itself is associated with lower testosterone levels, so another tool to raise testosterone levels is to control weight or lose it if you are overweight.
To control weight, the most important thing is to eat a diet low in sugars, refined flours and processed foods and rich in vegetables from the cruciferous family, rich in healthy fats and rich in foods that contain the essential ingredients to synthesize testosterone such as zinc and vitamin D and branched hip amino acids which are present for example in good quality dairy products; and all this together with physical activity.